miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

Un naufragio mas

Ella te espera atrapada en un mundo del que no logra escapar, cada día no quiere despertar, se esconde entre paredes evadiendo las redes, cada noche un naufragio mas, por la ventana anclada a la luna, esperanza en su mente solo hay una, cabalgando entre sueños sin mirar atrás, adornos nuevos cada amanecer brillan en su piel, despiadada mirada atraviesa su ser, difícil de creer, una historia nueva cada atardecer, siempre desaparece el escudo imaginario, el miedo solo crece, gritos en silencio, observando a la distancia sonrisas invisibles, protagonista de la historia, se aferra a la memoria, abrazando siluetas la respuesta nunca llega, jugando a pretender es mas fácil soportar lo que nadie desea aceptar, esperando esa noche que amarrada a una estrella logre escapar.

viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

Me perdí

Logre esclarecer mi mente por un instante y ahora entiendo, sin saberlo, me perdí, por completo perdido, eh caído en el abismo de tus ojos, vivo apresado en tu sonrisa, transcurren los días y sigo extraviado en el laberinto de tu piel, ahí te observo, por las noches brillas mas que un cielo estrellado, tú no lo sabes, hay un hechizo en cada beso tuyo, por que tuyo es lo único que puedo ser. A tu lado la noche no termina, al verte dormir, eternamente transcurren los minutos, en mi no hay mas sueños, pues deje de dormir, Y no duermo desde que te conocí. Al ausentarte solo puedo anhelante y espero de ti nunca apartarme, por que tu rostro dice mas que este escrito, esta hoja escrita es lo que mi alma grita, mis derrotas relatas y se tornan en glorias, el niño en mi se siente protegido en tus brazos, perdidos mis pasos buscan tu aroma, ahora mi piel lleva huellas de ti, a ti es quien busco al amanecer, por que te quiero. No hay necesidad un "Por que?"

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2010

Dear Heart:

I write to you in seek of answers, out of need, I long to find out how you came to this resolution, why do you ache now, why do you hang by a thread on her every word, how was it she broke through, we spent so much time building our defenses and we ended up having ourselves being controlled by that very thing, we avoided the subject for so long and now a question was answered, but to be honest I don't remember asking it, run and hide was our favorite game, we always enjoyed to admire her beauty from a distance, safely, we even tried so hard to learn her faces, her many smiles, her ways and little details everyone over looked, ooh.. How we love those small things, but like I said it makes no sense; I can't explain anything because I can't find it in me, I think back and search for what brought me here, now, like this, I always thought we could live away from feeling like this but now it feeds upon us, we let our selves go, no safety net this time, I ask of you please!! reply this I write you now, let me know how can I go about my days without having to long for her touch, her smile, for her to be within arms length.. Because now I can't, I wont be without her.


lunes, 11 de enero de 2010

Sombreros del abuelo

Great read

domingo, 10 de enero de 2010

Very wild thing!

miércoles, 6 de enero de 2010


ADVERTISEMENT: Old tired woman seeking companion, friendship, possible relationship, not to demanding (How could she) Will settle with who ever (At that point in life anyone will do) Has a great job ( School/work was her best friend, lover and so on) Not jealous (As if she could be) Willing to pretend he´s honest and she´s the only one (Reality will only break her heart) Wont hold hands in public (She knows he gives only what is needed when its needed) Will wait by the phone waiting to pick you up from whatever bar you end up shit faced (Has very few options) willing to have children (She waits for that day) Will live every single day with open arms for you. Reply if interested, will not be disapointed!!
Observation: You may grow accustomed to her, you will come to discover she´s smart, funny, outgoing, great companion, understanding, great mother, teacher, cook, everything you ever wanted, one day you will realize she is every woman you pass by and look for, you will thank her for birthing your children and allowing you to be hers, you will spend every single day in your life trying to be the man she always wished for and grateful for the oportunity to do so.
(Details subject to negotiation)

lunes, 4 de enero de 2010




domingo, 3 de enero de 2010

Jennifer Pugh